FBI asks to interview Hunter Biden ex-associate Bobulinski, Senate committee says

The FBI has asked former Hunter Biden business associate Tony Bobulinski to sit for an interview Friday, Bobulinski’s lawyers told the Senate Homeland Security Committee, which released a statement Friday.
The FBI has also asked Bobulinski, who went on the record Thursday to accuse former Vice President Joe Biden of lying about his involvement with his son’s business dealings, to turn over copies of his phones.
The FBI declined to comment to Fox News “in keeping with our standard practice of neither confirming nor denying the existence of an investigation.”
The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee and the Senate Finance Committee have been investigating Hunter Biden’s business dealings and said their interview with Bobulinski, which was scheduled for Friday morning, has been postponed.
“I appreciate that the FBI has a job to do, and I am glad they are finally taking an interest in these concerning financial matters that our Committees have been investigating for months,” Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, said.
“I expect that Mr. Bobulinski will speak with our committee as soon as possible and fully share his insights into the Biden family’s business dealings,” said Johnson, a Republican from Wisconsin.
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