Caution: The source for this story is still being confirmed. At this point, we advise to read with skepticism–
Manchester, NY| A team of archaeologists excavating a drumlin known as Mormon hill or the Cumorah, in western New York, have discovered a set of gold plates which they believe could be linked to the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Joseph Smith Jr.
The scientists, led by Professor Abraham Jones, are associated with the Brigham Young University’s faculty of archaeology. They were using advanced metal detectors, lasers and other ground-penetrating imaging technology to look for underground structures, when they noticed a small cave-like cavity.
They dug up the entrance, which was buried under a dozen feet of rocks and dirt, and explored the very exiguous cavern. The walls and ceiling were covered with ancient traces of soot, presumably from torches, suggesting the cave had been visited many times in the past. On top of a large flat stone resembling an altar, they found what looks like a book made of metal plates.
The scientists explored the mysterious cavern, but have not been able to recover any other artifact. They have found, however, a few signs of human activity like the ashes of two ancient campfires.
The “book” is made of a set of twelve metal plates, each measuring six inches (15 cm) in width, eight inches (20 cm) in length approximately half an inch (1.27 centimeter) in thickness. The plates are made of a copper-gold alloy, and are held together by three D-shaped rings, forming a sort of book. The entire volume measures a total of nearly six inches [15 cm] in thickness and weights 59 pounds (26.76 kg).
The plates are covered with mysterious symbols, very similar to the “reformed Egyptian” characters, written by Joseph Smith Jr. on the document known as the “Anthon Transcript.” Many of the symbols on the plates found by the archaeologists are identical to those drawn by the prophet, in 1928.
LDS scholars have hypothesized that the reformed Egyptian writing could have developed from other modified Egyptian scripts such as hieratic, a priestly shorthand for hieroglyphics.
Joseph Smith Jr. is said to have found similar golden plates on September 22, 1823, in a hill near his home in Manchester, New York. He claimed that an angel named Moroni had directed him to a buried stone box, containing a set of gold plates, covered with strange symbols.
Smith translated the text of the Book of Mormon over the next several years by using a seer stone, which he placed in the bottom of a hat and then placed the hat over his face to view the words written within the stone. He finally published the book in 1830, which was meant to be a complement to the Bible.
This new discovery could be the most important material and historical proof ever found, to back the claims of Joseph Smith Jr. Professor Jones and the scientists from Brigham Young University will now perform an extensive series of tests and analysis to determine if the plates could indeed be linked to the prophet.
Michael Fisher says
The picture of the plates has been published before. Joseph Smith did not translate the Book of Mormon over several years, it took him only 65 days. I wish people would get their ‘facts’ right before they publish!
Jan Adkins says
As has already been demonstrated this discovery will affirm the testimonies of the faithful and bring more people to inquire about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, OR will send many into a desperate rage.
Anonymous says
What Bollocks
auntbjo says
Was concerned when my grandson researched the information here to only find out it was a satire joke. Should we worry about the accuracy and authenticity of other articles??
Abby says
You know this comes from a satire news website, right? It was a joke.
Wilko says
It’ll certainly answer a lot of questions that Mormons and non believers have
Let’s just wait and see
They are proof of something
Who knows it may say there’s no God
On the other side of the coin tho it may prove something existed long ago
Jan Adkins says
Wilko, there will never be “proof” of God. If there is “proof”, then there is sure knowledge & faith becomes obsolete. For those who revere Jesus Christ as our Savior, the grand test, is our cultivation of faith – Faith is the belief coupled with actions that “prove” belief, it is obedience to the laws of God. Faith is the willful giving of the heart to God.
in the absence of the proofs that men demand in order to believe, faith is necessary. , In the Bible, countless “proofs’ and miracles were demonstrated to men and yet, the hard-hearted defiantly remained so.
Anonymous says
Is it Joseph Smith or Joseph’s myth?
Anonymous says
BS !
Darlene Burgi says
Many said that about Christ’s words . . . many also thought the world was flat. If I were you, I would keep an open mind, wait and pray sincerely before making such a childish judgement.
An atheist says
Keep you mind open, but not too open that your brain falls out.
David Kitchens says
Proof will never convince anyone that is anti-Christ. They will simply find a way to dismiss it so their closed minds won’t have to be exercised beyond the word NO.
On the other hand, it will be a great testimony builder for those who have a testimony of Christ and the restoration of the Church of Christ in these last days.
Anonymous says
Prove it!