With the 2012 elections in the books, the result is that there has been no change in the makeup of America’s government. The Democrats won major advances in 2008, but were rebuked in the 2010 elections with the loss of the House of Representatives. The status quo prevails.
As we leave the 2012 elections behind us and look forward to the next 4 years of governance, our state of the nation is extremely precarious, as we head for the brink of a deadly fiscal cliff. At the end of next month the Bush era tax cuts expire, and as everyone’s tax rates return to previous levels, the economy is slated to lose nearly a million more jobs and personal income, which has suffered a $4,000 annual decrease since Obama took office, will decline further, plunging the economy into a stinging recession.
The second Obama era fiscal cliff which is fast approaching are the automatic cuts to the budget enacted in 2011 as a result of the government’s inability to agree on spending and budgetary matters. Indeed, deep cuts to domestic and military budgets will automatically kick in this January.
During Obama’s first term Republicans in the House were loathe to exercise the power the Constitution affords the House of Representatives. The time to step up and enforce the Constitution is long past due, and we call upon House Speaker John Boehner to abandon his tepid leadership practices of the past and begin doing what the American people and Constitution sent him to do–govern.
In fact, not one penny gets spent in this nation without the GOP controlled House consenting to it. This fact gives Boehner and the GOP all power. They don’t have to compromise. They are the kid with the ball, who is able to take it home and end the game any time the other kids fail to play by the rules. The Democrats stopped playing by the rules of the Constitution generations ago, and their hell-bent march to the left has rendered them enemies of the Constitution.
Obamacare, deficits, military cuts . . . these are all fantasies of the left, but need not be if the GOP would just exercise its Constitutional mandates.
The GOP must simply send a balanced budget with spending appropriated for Constitutionally mandated items to the Senate with instructions: “Pass this budget and send it to the president for signing, because it is the only budget you will get from us.” If they do that, then go to the golf course; GAME OVER.
Will the Democrats in the Senate and White House whine and scream? Yes. Will it do them any good? No. Why? Because without the consent of the House, the government cannot spend any money. Not one thin dime. Not a penny. Not a peso.
Can the Dems do an end run around the House and appropriate money for their programs? No. Will the government shut down? Yes. Is that bad? No. Why? Because the American government actually does very little to help the American citizen, and we can outlast a shutdown of the US government better than federal unions and Washington deal-makers can.
Will this plan work? YES! It is time for the GOP to show the American people that they are doing the job they were elected to do–govern within a balanced budget and provide basic services mandated by the Constitution.
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