Here are a few facts to bear in mind when we’re all regaled by the president about Obama’s ‘historic’ presidency at his State of the Union address:
The Number Of Americans That Have Joined The Food Stamp Program Since Obama Took Office: 19.4 Million.
- The Number Of People Unemployed At The End Of Obama’s Fifth Year As President: 10.4 Million.
The Number Of People Working Part-Time That Would Like To Work Full-Time: 7.8 Million.
- The Number Of People That Have Entered Poverty Since 2008: 6.7 Million.
Americans Who Received Cancellation Notices For Their Health Plans Due To ObamaCare After Obama Promised They Could Keep Their Plans In His 2010 State Of The Union Address: 5 Million.
The Number Of Americans Struggling With Long-Term Unemployment Of 27 Weeks Or Over: 3.9 Million.
The Increase In Americans Struggling With Long-Term Unemployment Since Obama Became President: 1.2 Million.
- Construction Jobs (aka “Shovel-Ready Jobs”) Lost Since Obama Took Office: 721,000.
- Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Took Office: 528,000.
- The Number Of People That Left The Labor Force In December: 347,000.
- The Debt Per Capita For Americans At The End Of 2013: $54,688.
- Average Student Debt For A College Graduate: $29,400
- The Increase In Debt Per Capita For Americans Since Obama Took Office: $19,661
The Decline In Median House Hold Income Since Obama Became President: $3,827.
Increase In Family Health Care Premiums Under Obama, Despite His Claim That ObamaCare Would Reduce Premiums During His 2010 State Of The Union Address (Subsidies Being Irrelevant): $3,671.
The Last Time The Labor Force Participation Rate Was At Its Current level: 1978.
- Increase In The Average Price Per Gallon Of Gas Since Obama Took Office: 79%.
The Percent Of Unemployed That Are 18-34 Year Olds: 46%.
- Average Number Of Weeks Someone Will Be Unemployed: 37.
Poverty Rate In 2012 – An Increase From 13.2 Percent The Year Before Obama Became President: 15%.
- The Number Of Times Obama Has Pivoted To The Economy: 14.
The Number of New Ideas Expected From Obama’s 2014 State Of The Union Address: 0.
These are just some of the “fun facts” that come via RNC research, and they are based on government and third-party figures.
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